Month: December 2013

Day 14 dedicated to the amazing BKS Iyengar

This man is formidable. As you watch this, absorb his grace filled movements. I love his feet. Today, he is 95 and according to my sources (aka the interwebs) still practicing 3 hours a day. I dedicate my efforts on the mat today to him and all he has done for modern postural yoga.


Day 13.

Tonight I did not one, but 2 awesome yoga-things. The first was a special kosha-themed asana practice led by the esteemed Annie Barrett. Then I watched the movie Yoga Woman, with a bunch of yoginis. It was surprisingly touching. Here we are, Mme Jambes and the Toothless Cyclist after a long day:


46 days. Day 10.

I’m starting to really like these last-thing-of-the-evening practices. Tonight I worked on increasing low back support via strong abs and glutes. So fun! And so important. I’ll write more about it when I’m a little further down the road of experience and understanding.
